Event hours & time tracking software app
Event en-route, sign-in & sign-out software
VTEvents time tracking can help by allowing your staff to mark themselves as en-route on the way to your event, sign-in when they arrive, and sign-out as they leave, all via their phone, either via the web or mobile app.
Confirm event hours, breaks & travel time
After each shift, the times & hours worked are confirmed, along with any other details you wish to record, such as hours spent travelling, breaks taken, etc.
Event staff & volunteer hours reporting
VTEvents hours tracking makes it easy to graph hours worked, as well as breakdowns of experience based on the positions worked throughout the year. As hours are confirmed, VTEvents rostering system automatically tallies them up, and are instantly reportable.
Using VTEvents addons, service history & work experience reports can be generated in an instant.
Manage early & late starts and finish event times
Hours scheduled vs what was actually worked, are all recorded with VTEvents rostering software, allowing easy reporting on instances where staff & volunteers might have started or finished at different times than planned.
Hours worked are accessible at any time, both via the website as well as the VTEvents event hours app, making it easy to keep tabs on your hours from anywhere. The event hours software also makes reporting on hours, finding out experience accrued as easy as a few clicks in the event hours app or in the VTEvents event hours software website.
Fatigue management alerts are built into VTEvents, highlighting risks your staff & volunteers may face due to fatigue, long shifts, insufficient rest and so-on.